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3 eCommerce Marketing Strategies That Are Winning in 2024 - Roketto

Ulf Lonegren

3 eCommerce Marketing Strategies That Are Winning in 2024 - Roketto


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Table of Contents

Welcome digital marketing aficionados and online shopping enthusiasts to the exhilarating world of eCommerce marketing strategies.

In this post, we’ll discover actionable strategies to enhance sales, amplify conversions, and expand business reach to untapped audiences in today’s dynamic marketplace..

First, let's address the elephant in the virtual room: you require an eCommerce marketing strategy. Having a simple website and hoping for the best is not enough. With so much competition, you need a solid approach to stand out from the crowd and get noticed.

Developing an effective eCommerce marketing strategy doesn't have to be daunting; it can be downright fun (yes, really!)

In this article, we'll cover the following:

  1. Why you need an eCommerce marketing plan (hint: it's not just about sales)
  2. Four winning strategies for eCommerce marketing success (get ready to take notes)
  3. How to develop an eCommerce marketing strategy of your own (spoiler alert: it's easier than you think)

So grab your favourite beverage (coffee, tea, or stiff drink—we won't judge), sit back, and get ready to explore the exciting process of an eCommerce marketing strategy.

Why You Need an eCommerce Marketing Plan

Are you exhausted from shouting into the online void, hoping someone will stumble upon your eCommerce store?

Well, commodore, it’s time to get serious about your eCommerce marketing strategy. Trust us; your sales (and sanity) will thank you.

It’s no secret that superb content is essential for any successful content marketing strategy. From product descriptions to blog posts, your content should be informative, engaging and optimized for search engines.

However, content creation is just the tip of the iceberg!

The risk of poor planning in the creation process can lead to wasted time and money. Without a solid eCommerce marketing strategy, your efforts may be scattered, unfocused and ineffective. You may end up targeting the incorrect audience, using the wrong channels or not utilizing resources to their full potential.

The primary benefits of a winning eCommerce marketing strategy include:

  • Increased online sales
  • Brand awareness
  • Improved customer loyalty

There are also a plethora of eCommerce marketing strategies to consider, including social media advertising, email marketing, and other digital approaches. The key is to find the best eCommerce marketing strategy that works for your particular business criteria and its target audience.

To help you get started, we created this table of a few of the best eCommerce marketing solutions out there:

Ecommerce Marketing Strategy

What It Does

Ecommerce email marketing strategy

Increases customer engagement and drives sales through targeted email campaigns

B2B eCommerce marketing strategies

Targets companies and promotes an eCommerce product or service to other businesses

eCommerce social media marketing strategy

Utilizes social media channels to reach and engage with potential customers

Digital marketing strategy for eCommerce

Reaches and converts potential customers from digital channels, such as display advertising, PPC, and SEO

So why do you need an eCommerce marketing strategy? Simple: it's the key to growing your organization and reaching new customers.

Don't leave success up to chance. Invest in a marketing plan for eCommerce and watch your sales soar!!!

3 Winning eCommerce Marketing Strategies

These sections will change your eCommerce game forever.

Here we explore the four winning eCommerce marketing strategies that help increase sales, boost engagement, and take online organizations to the next level.

Get ready to dive into the exciting world of content, digital, social media, and email marketing.

Content Marketing Strategy Example - Canva


Storytelling that connects with the audience is the focus of content marketing for eCommerce. The aim is to create content that engages your potential customers and inspires them to act. You can utilize product descriptions and blog posts or videos and infographics (these work well) to attract your ideal customer persona.

The key is understanding the target audience and tailoring content to their interests, pain points, requirements, and motivations. For example, the Canva Design Challenge Campaign is like the Design Olympics.

Participants put their skills to the test and compete against other talented designers. Dubbed the #CanvaDesignChallenge, the contest calls for original, unique, and sometimes outrageous images. At the end of the week, judges evaluate the submissions and choose the best five.

This is an excellent example of user-generated content (UGC) as the #CanvaDesignChallenge has reviewed an overwhelming response of over 35000 posts since its inception in 2022.

By leveraging UGC, Canva's team can effortlessly hand-pick the content it shares on Instagram. Canva has showcased its users' creative skills and established a community of creators eager to utilize the platform and demonstrate their abilities.

Digital Marketing Strategy Example - Elementor



This is a fantastic way to reach the target audience and drive traffic to an eCommerce site. 

There are multiple types of digital ads that business owners utilize, including:

  1. Paid search advertising: Appears on search engine results pages (SERPs) like Yahoo, Bing, and Google.
  2. Display advertising: These are promotional image tiles, pop-ups, and banner ads on apps and websites across the internet.
  3. Native advertising: Partner with an online publisher to create sponsored content that relates to a niche but is particular about your organization
  4. Social media advertising: Marketing on social channels, including Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Pinterest, Snapchat, etc.
  5. Affiliate marketing: Other people sell a product or service for a third-party company via their audience.

One of the best things about adding digital advertising to your eCommerce marketing strategy is that specific audiences are targeted based on demographics, interests, and behaviours—for instance, Elemetor is generating sales with affiliate marketing.

The company allows creators, bloggers, and influences to partner and promote Elementor to their followers. For every sign-up or sale, an affiliate generates for Elementor, the more their commission racks up.

Affiliate partners are given a unique link to track their content. After users purchase, links are followed similarly to a tracking cookie.

Here is an example of an affiliate on YouTube in action.


The video overviews how the content creator uses Elementor to maximize his website development escapades.

If you're looking for a super effective methodology to add to your eCommerce marketing strategy, digital marketing can be super effective. It can be like a Superhero swooping in to save the day and ensure everyone's happiness is back on track.

Social Media Marketing Example - Ipsy



Do you want to build a brand and engage with customers? Social media is the perfect tool for this job!

Whether on LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook, social media connects you with the target audience on a platform they already use.

Creating social media content that fun and engagingly highlights your products or services helps bring in more customers. You can create posts that showcase your products in action, share user-generated content, and even run giveaways or contests.

Take, for example, Ipsy, baby! They're killing it with their glam bag subscription service and giving all the ladies in the office FOMO they never knew they had.

But they're not just showing off their products with boring old photos of people holding bags.

Marketing Ecommerce content


Oh no, Ipsy is using cool giveaways like the one above to encourage their followers to post with their hashtag for a chance to be featured on their Instagram stories.

If you want to step up your social media marketing game, follow Ipsy's lead and mix it up! Also, don't be afraid to post beyond your products and give your followers something to smile about.

Here is a simple list of content ideas to try on your own Instagram page:

  1. Behind-the-scenes shots of your team or workspace
  2. User-generated content from happy customers
  3. Inspirational or funny quotes that align with your brand's values
  4. Short videos or animations that showcase your products in action
  5. Throwback photos that show your brand's evolution over time

So go forth, social media warriors, and mix it up like Ipsy. Who knows? You might end up with a few more followers and even more engagement.

How To Develop An eCommerce Marketing Strategy

Ecommerce marketing strategy

Alright, online business hustlers, listen up!

If you want to take your company to outer space, you need a killer eCommerce marketing strategy. And no, that doesn't just mean posting a few pretty product photos on Instagram and calling it a day.

We're talking about a comprehensive plan that covers everything from setting a budget, goals, and channels to promote on, executing with precisions, testing, optimizing and reiterating until you have an eCommerce marketing strategy that is firing on all cylinders.

Set Goals

The first step in developing an eCommerce marketing strategy is to set SMART goals. What is this, you ask? The table below explains it in easy-to-understand terms so you can start immediately.

SMART Goal Element



Goals should be clear and specific, leaving no room for misinterpretation or confusion.


With quantifiable objectives, tracking and measuring progress becomes possible.


Goals should be challenging yet attainable, considering functional limitations and resources.


With relevance to your company's objectives, those goals' importance increases.

Time bound

Specific deadlines or datelines help provide a sense of accountability and urgency.

Some questions you could ask yourself include, “What do I want to achieve with my eCommerce marketing efforts? Do I want to increase website traffic, boost sales, or improve customer retention?

Whatever the objective may be, ensure it follows the SMART goals format.

Plan Budgets and Channels

Once you've set your goals, it's time to plan budgets while choosing the correct marketing channels to achieve said objectives. For example, if you aim to increase website traffic, invest in content marketing, search engine optimization, or paid advertising, such as Google Ads.

Conversely, if you're looking to boost customer retention, loyalty programs or email marketing might be the way to go.

The key is choosing channels that align with your goals and budget accordingly.


Planning without execution is called procrastination. Be active, and take the step to move your business forward.

That may involve setting up email campaigns, designing ads, and creating content.

Whatever the task, ensure you're deliberate and consistent in the approach. It's also advised to track progress via KPIs, consumer behaviour, and other vital metrics for tweaking later.

Test, Optimize, and Reiterate

As with any eCommerce marketing strategy, testing and optimization are crucial to success. Continuously analyze results and tweak your plan to improve output while maintaining relevance to the target audience.

This process may see you performing the following tasks:

  • Changing up subject lines for emails
  • Adjust targeting
  • Testing different ad copy

Constantly iterating and improving the eCommerce marketing strategy allows you to keep your company ahead of the competitors and achieve business objectives.

eCommerce Marketing Strategy - Final Thoughts

So we've come to the end of the article, you bunch of savvy eCommerce entrepreneurs. 

Are you ready to exponentially grow your organization?

Of course, you are!

It all begins with a killer eCommerce marketing strategy, and we're not talking about throwing spaghetti at the wall and seeing if it sticks.

No, no, no.

We mean setting a SMART goal, choosing the proper marketing channels, etc.

Now we know what you're thinking. "But I'm no marketing genius!"

Fear not; my friend, Roketto, is here to apply that spaghetti like wallpaper.

As one of the top inbound marketing agencies, we can assist in developing an eCommerce marketing strategy that will knock the socks off prospects.

Roketto tailors a plan specific to your company, considering the competition, keyword relevancy, and current position in marketing.

With Roketto's experience in eCommerce, your audience gets high-quality content that keeps them engaged and offers personalized experiences to keep them hungry for more.

So what are you waiting for? Take action and contact Roketto today to start building the eCommerce marketing strategy of your dreams.

Trust us; your company (and wallet) will thank you!

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Ulf Lonegren

Ulf Lonegren

Ulf is one of the co-founders here at Roketto. His passion shines brightest when tasked with increasing business growth through inbound marketing. If you want to talk strategy, give Ulf a shout and you’re likely to see him spark with excitement.