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10 Tips for Success With SMS Marketing For eCommerce

Written by Philip Portman (Guest) | Aug 23, 2023 10:25:23 PM

Personalized customer engagement is essential for enticing customers to purchase your products.

One effective way of engaging with customers quickly and offering personalized messages at the same time is through SMS (text messaging).

Boasting a remarkable open rate of around 98%SMS is a channel that can significantly boost your reach and sales..

Do your customers often abandon their carts?

SMS shines in cart recovery, capable of reclaiming up to 63% of abandoned sales.

But even though SMS is a powerful customer communications tool, some eCommerce businesses have been attracted to other communications methods, such as live chatbots and email. While these are also relevant tools, there is still room for SMS in your customer communications tech stack.

In this article, we'll dive into the world of SMS drip campaigns and provide 10 essential tips to enhance your e-commerce success.

Introduction to SMS Drip Campaigns in E-commerce

SMS drip campaigns, a strategic series of text messages sent to customers over time, have emerged as a dynamic and versatile marketing strategy in the e-commerce content marketing realm. SMS messages' unparalleled reach and immediacy make them a compelling channel for boosting sales and nurturing customer loyalty.

Benefits of Using SMS as a Marketing Channel

Using SMS for marketing gives you a way to reach your customers immediately on the device they likely have in their hands anyway. Text messages can be tailored to be sent to your customers when they are in a certain location, such as close proximity to one of your brick-and-mortar retail locations, or during a sale or special promotion.

By using SMS as a marketing channel, you can reap the following benefits:

  1. Higher open and engagement rates: Aside from having a high open rate, customers tend to engage with SMS messages within minutes of receiving them.
  2. Direct and personalized communication: SMS allows for direct communication with customers, enabling personalized offers and messages that resonate with individual preferences.
  3. Real-time alerts and updates: eCommerce businesses can leverage SMS to give customers real-time alerts about order status, shipping updates, and exclusive deals.
  4. Increased accessibility: SMS doesn't require an internet connection, ensuring messages reach customers regardless of online status.
  5. Immediate delivery: SMS messages are delivered instantly, making them ideal for time-sensitive promotions and limited-time offers.
  1. Less competition: Compared to email or social media, SMS inboxes are less cluttered, increasing the likelihood of message visibility.
  2. Reduced abandonment: SMS reminders for abandoned carts can prompt swift action and decrease cart abandonment rates.
  3. Quick surveys and feedback: SMS can be used to gather quick customer feedback or conduct surveys, providing valuable insights.

Understanding Your Audience

One-size-fits-all marketing approaches are becoming increasingly ineffective. Segmentation and personalization are the keys to reaching the right customers with the right message.

  • Segmentation strategies: Dividing your customer base into segments based on demographics, purchase history, and browsing behavior enables you to send tailored messages that resonate with specific groups.
  • Personalized recommendations: Leveraging customer data to provide personalized product recommendations drives higher engagement and conversion rates.
  • Behavioral triggers: Identifying specific customer behaviors, such as abandoned carts or product views, can be used to trigger relevant SMS messages to be sent.
  • Lifecycle stages: Creating drip campaigns tailored to different stages of the customer journey, from welcome messages for new subscribers to re-engagement campaigns for inactive customers is a great way to engage with your customers at every stage.
  • Geolocation targeting: Using geolocation data to send location-specific offers or alerts, enhances the relevance of your messages.



Demographic Personalization

Customize messages based on demographic attributes like age, gender, or location to resonate with individual preferences.

Purchase Frequency

Segment customers based on how often they make purchases to send appropriate offers

Content Preferences

Analyze customer interactions to determine content preferences and send messages aligned with those preferences

Past Engagement

Consider the type of content a customer has engaged with in the past when crafting new messages

Purchase History

Tailor messages by referencing specific past purchases or related products

Crafting Compelling SMS Content

In the dynamic landscape of SMS marketing, brevity is a cornerstone of effective communication, with compelling statistics highlighting its impact. As mentioned earlier, SMS messages boast an impressive open rate of around 98%, ensuring that your concise content has an exceptionally high chance of being read promptly. Crafting messages that succinctly capture attention and ignite action is paramount, as texts are typically read within minutes of receipt, ensuring immediate engagement.

In this fast-paced realm, the art of effective SMS content writing for eCommerce plays a pivotal role, wielding the power to engage and influence recipients in a matter of characters. One fundamental principle is maintaining conciseness and clarity, a strategy that aligns well with the preference of approximately 75% of consumers who indicate a readiness to receive updates and offers through SMS. By distilling your message to its essence, you ensure recipients quickly grasp the value proposition and desired action, leveraging the inherent efficiency of SMS.

Strategically deployed elements further amplify engagement. Highlighting exclusive deals, discounts, or time-sensitive promotions creates a sense of immediacy, propelling recipients to act swiftly—a tactic reinforced by the impressive conversion rates SMS campaigns can achieve. Integrating personalized product recommendations enhances relevance, leveraging previous interactions to cater to individual preferences. This technique has contributed to higher conversion rates seen in cart recovery campaigns.

The urgency and scarcity inherent in SMS messaging create a palpable sense of FOMO (fear of missing out), capitalizing on recipients' desire to seize limited opportunities. This drive is fortified by including social proof, leveraging customer reviews, testimonials, or user-generated content, a strategy that aligns well with the trust-building potential of SMS messages.

Navigating the intricacies of SMS content writing also involves language precision, with clear and accessible language enhancing the seamless comprehension that SMS's succinct format demands. Enticing previews coupled with well-crafted question hooks stimulate curiosity and invite deeper exploration.

A storytelling approach, albeit concise, envelop recipients in a narrative, igniting an emotional connection that sustains their interest—a technique that has contributed to SMS campaigns achieving conversion rates higher than email marketing. Mastering the art of SMS content writing entails a symphony of these elements, harmonizing brevity, creativity, and persuasion to create messages that capture attention and inspire meaningful action, generating the tangible results that e-commerce endeavors strive for.

Timing is Key

Even the most compelling message can fall flat if delivered at the wrong time. Strategic timing can significantly impact open and conversion rates.

Scheduling SMS Messages for Optimal Impact

Specific Time to Scheduled SMS

Optimal Impact

Time Zone Considerations

  • Send messages during appropriate hours for each time zone to avoid disrupting customers' routines

Peak Engagement Times

  • Identify peak engagement times based on historical data to maximize open and click-through rates

Event-Based Triggers

  • Send SMS messages triggered by specific events, such as a customer's birthday or the anniversary of their first purchase

Abandonment Recovery Timing

  • Send cart abandonment reminders promptly to seize customer attention while products remain vivid in memory

Post-Purchase Follow-Up

  • Send a thank-you message or request for a review shortly after a purchase to capitalize on the customer's positive experience

Frequency Experimentation

  • Test different frequencies of messaging to find the right balance between staying engaged and avoiding over-messaging

Day of the Week

  • Experiment with different days of the week to identify when your audience is most receptive

Holiday and Seasonal Messaging

  • Tailor messages to coincide with holidays or seasonal events that are relevant to your products

Event Promotion

  • Promote upcoming events, such as sales or product launches, with timely SMS messages

Weather-Relevant Offers

  • Send weather-based offers or recommendations based on the recipient's location and current weather conditions

A/B Testing Your Campaigns

In the dynamic marketing world, the pursuit of excellence thrives through continuous enhancement, and A/B testing is a catalyst for this evolution. By dissecting various facets of your campaigns, this iterative process empowers you to pinpoint strategies that yield optimal results.

A/B testing unveils a spectrum of elements, each holding the potential to refine your messaging approach. Every facet is meticulously examined, from the nuances of message content – encompassing styles, tones, and textual compositions – to the strategic orchestration of CTAs. Equally crucial is the exploration of timing and frequency, allowing you to unravel the moments when your audience is most engaged.

The art of personalization takes center stage, probing the depth of connection that resonates with your recipients. Balancing brevity and depth, A/B testing delves into message length to pinpoint the optimal level of detail. It scrutinizes sender identity – whether grounded in a company's name or an individual's touch – to discern the trust-inducing approach.

A/B testing is an expedition into the heart of effective marketing, a journey where experimentation meets data-driven insights. By embracing this method, you distill your campaigns to their most potent form, forging a path that resonates, captivates, and ultimately propels your marketing endeavors to new heights.

Compliance and Privacy

Respecting customer privacy and adhering to regulations is non-negotiable in SMS marketing.

SMS Marketing Compliance

  • Opt-In Regulations: Obtain explicit consent from customers before sending SMS messages. Clearly communicate the type of messages they will receive.
  • Unsubscribe Option: Provide a straightforward opt-out option, ensuring customers can easily stop receiving messages.
  • Frequency and Timing: To prevent irritation, respect customers' preferences regarding message frequency and timing.
  • Data Security: Implement robust data security measures to protect customer information and build trust.
  • Legal Compliance: Stay updated on relevant SMS marketing regulations in your region to ensure full compliance and avoid potential legal issues.
  • Privacy Policy Transparency: Clearly outline your SMS marketing practices in your privacy policy and make it easily accessible to customers.
  • Age Restrictions: Ensure that your SMS campaigns comply with specific product or service age restrictions.
  • Third-party Providers: If using third-party SMS providers, ensure they adhere to compliance standards and protect customer data.
  • Regular Compliance Audits: Conduct periodic audits to ensure ongoing compliance with regulations and privacy standards.

Integrating SMS with other Marketing Channels

A seamless customer experience can be accomplished by integrating SMS with other critical marketing channels, resulting in a holistic marketing strategy.

Central to this integration is the alignment between email and SMS campaigns, the success of which is emphasized by the staggering open rates of SMS messages. This alignment capitalizes on the prompt engagement that SMS elicits, with customers typically interacting with SMS messages within just a few minutes of receiving them.

Moreover, SMS serves as a dynamic catalyst for elevating your social media presence, a strategy validated by the fact that SMS campaigns enjoy engagement rates six to eight times higher than email campaigns. By employing SMS to promote promotions, contests, and interactive initiatives, you tap into the customer preference for SMS-based offers and forge an enhanced connection.

Maintaining a seamless user journey is pivotal, a fact affirmed by research showcasing that a staggering 90% of consumers value a consistent brand experience across channels. This underscores the importance of ensuring that the content and incentives within SMS messages resonate harmoniously with corresponding landing pages, translating into a unified and immersive customer engagement.

The potency of SMS in retargeting campaigns gains further credence through statistics indicating that SMS messages have an average click-through rate of around 19%, making them a compelling avenue to reignite connections with potential customers who have displayed interest but have yet to commit to a purchase.

An integral facet is SMS's capacity to propel event promotions. This aligns seamlessly with the trend of event attendance spiking by up to 40% when SMS is integrated into promotional efforts, reaffirming SMS's prowess as a robust conduit for driving recipients to webinars or events.

Asking for feedback through SMS is equally effective, with SMS surveys boasting an average response rate of 45%, making them a potent tool for enriching marketing strategies through direct customer insights. Integrating customer service contact links within SMS messages, a practice often yielding a response rate of around 50%, amplifies this aspect further, underscoring the efficacy of SMS in providing swift assistance.

In the domain of abandoned cart recovery, SMS remains a formidable asset. SMS reminders contribute to an impressive recovery rate of up to 63%, making it a strategic component for doubling down on engagement and curbing abandonment rates.

A seamless blend of online and offline is actualized as SMS bridges the gap. SMS promotions for in-store events or exclusive offers drive shoppers to make in-store purchases, revealing SMS's tangible impact on driving customers to physical stores.

Incorporating SMS into your cross-channel marketing mosaic is underpinned by these resonant statistics, making it more than a strategy – it's a data-driven imperative to elevate customer engagement, fortify brand loyalty, and propel your e-commerce endeavors to new heights.

Monitoring and Analyzing Campaign Performance

Data-driven decision-making is the cornerstone of successful marketing. Regularly monitor and analyze campaign performance.

Tools for Tracking Campaign Success

  1. Analytics Platforms: Utilize analytics tools to track open rates, click-through rates, and conversion metrics.
  2. Conversion Attribution: Analyze customer journeys to understand the impact of SMS campaigns on conversions.
  3. Segment Performance: Monitor how different customer segments respond to your SMS campaigns and adjust accordingly.
  4. Message Engagement Metrics: Track metrics such as time spent reading messages and interaction rates to gauge message effectiveness.
  5. Geolocation Performance: Assess the performance of location-based offers and tailor future campaigns based on geographic response patterns.
  6. A/B Test Insights: Use A/B testing results to refine your messaging and optimize campaign elements.
  7. GCustomer Feedback Analysis: Analyze customer responses to gather insights into their preferences, concerns, and suggestions.
  8. Mobile Device Analytics: Monitor the devices your customers use to engage with SMS messages and optimize content accordingly.
  9. Conversion Funnel Analysis: Examine the entire customer journey to identify bottlenecks and areas for improvement.
  10. Benchmarking: Compare your SMS campaign performance to industry benchmarks and internal goals to assess success and areas for growth.

Handling Cart Abandonment

Tackling the persistent challenge of cart abandonment becomes even more compelling when backed by insightful statistics that underscore the effectiveness of SMS drip campaigns.

The strategy of employing timely reminders has proven remarkably successful. The potency of personalized incentives shines as personalized SMS messages achieve a higher response rate than non-personalized messages. By tailoring offers based on the specific contents of the abandoned cart, you leverage the power of personalization to rekindle the allure of forgotten items.

Limited-time offers wield a powerful psychological influence, prompting recipients to act swiftly. In fact, nearly 50% of consumers agree to opt-in to SMS loyalty programs if they receive a discount or other attractive offer.

Optimizing the checkout process holds substantial promise in the pursuit of minimizing abandonment. Studies reveal that a simplified and seamless checkout process can lead to a 35% reduction in cart abandonment rates, underscoring the potential of this tactic in enhancing conversion.

The orchestration of an abandoned cart recovery sequence aligns well with consumer behavior. Sending three or more SMS reminders post-abandonment increases the likelihood of conversion by over 328%, affirming the effectiveness of a strategic sequence.

Furthermore, adding human touch, such as sharing recovery success stories, is backed by evidence that 92% of consumers trust recommendations from peers, making these stories a compelling tool to inspire action.

Incorporating social proof like customer reviews can enhance credibility. Also, it's known that displaying customer reviews near a call-to-action button can lead to a higher increase in conversions, reinforcing the impact of social proof in cart recovery.

In a realm where each percentage point counts, SMS emerges as a dynamic tool to reinvigorate customer engagement and recapture potential sales.

Building Customer Loyalty through SMS

SMS drip campaigns are an excellent tool for nurturing customer relationships and fostering loyalty.

Nurturing Customer Loyalty

Below are some ideas that you can take advantage of to help your customers feel extra-special.

  • Exclusive offers: Reward loyal customers with exclusive SMS-only discounts and promotions.
  • Personal thank-you messages: Express gratitude with personalized thank-you messages after purchases, enhancing the customer experience.
  • Birthday and anniversary rewards: Send special offers or discounts on customers' birthdays or the anniversary of their first purchase.
  • Early access to sales: Provide loyal customers with early access to sales events, creating a sense of VIP treatment.
  • Feedback solicitation: Ask for feedback and suggestions from loyal customers, showing that their opinions are valued.
  • Referral incentives: Encourage loyal customers to refer friends and family by offering incentives for successful referrals.
  • Content exclusivity: Share exclusive content, such as behind-the-scenes glimpses or sneak peeks of upcoming products.
  • Interactive campaigns: Run interactive SMS campaigns, such as polls or quizzes, to engage customers and gather insights.
  • Loyalty tiers: Establish loyalty tiers with increasing benefits based on customer engagement and purchase history.
  • Personalized loyalty rewards: Offer personalized rewards based on individual customer preferences and behaviors.


In the rapidly evolving landscape of e-commerce, SMS drip campaigns offer a potent means of driving sales and cultivating customer loyalty. By following these 10 tips, you can utilize the power of SMS marketing to create targeted, engaging, and effective campaigns that resonate with your audience, ultimately leading to increased sales and lasting customer relationships. Stay attuned to industry trends, continuously refine your strategies, and watch your e-commerce endeavors flourish.