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SEO Service for Law Firms [Types, Benefits & Top 5 SEO Companies]

Ulf Lonegren

SEO Service for Law Firms [Types, Benefits & Top 5 SEO Companies]


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Does your law firm need a visibility boost online? Do you feel like your website is lost in the vast sea of the internet, like a needle in a haystack? Well, fear not, my legal eagles, because today, we're diving into the world of SEO service for law firms!

As the digital age continues dominating our world, a solid online presence has become more critical. And for law firms, this means having a professional website that ranks high on search engines. Discover the world of SEO, a magical tool to help your website climb the ranks and be seen by potential clients.

And why is SEO important? Well, research shows that most people only scroll past the first page of search results. So, if you want potential clients to find you online, you must be on that first page!

Now, when it comes to law SEO services, there are various options. Each service has its benefits and can help your firm differently. So, let's dive into the guide and uncover the best SEO services for law firms!

What Are Law Firm SEO Services?

Law firm SEO services

Law firm SEO services help firms increase their visibility and reach potential clients through organic search engine rankings. The goal is to increase the number of visitors to the firm’s website by appearing high on search engine results pages (SERPs).

Organic search traffic differs from paid search traffic, which requires running search ads. Search ads are paid advertisements that appear on search engines based on keywords that advertisers pay to appear. Law firms, for instance, would likely be interested in showing up for local search results; thus, they would pay for keywords like “Toronto personal injury lawyer” or “Washington law firm.”

SEO services for law firms can help you get new business because when people know your firm exists, it's easier for them to hire you. According to a 2019 report by Clio, 17% of legal consumers searched online for a lawyer.

Types of SEO Services for Law Firms

Types of SEO services for law firms

SEO consists of many moving parts. There isn’t a single strategy that will skyrocket your law firm’s website to the front page of search results. Rather, a holistic inbound marketing strategy must be developed to consider every aspect of your website.

1. Site Auditing

Site auditing is an SEO service that analyzes a website to identify its strengths and weaknesses. This information is critical to establish a good strategy that can help propel that website higher in the SERPs.

The audit examines the code, structure, content, and links of each page on a website to determine its efficacy for organic search engine rankings.

2. On-Site SEO

On-site SEO focuses on elements like headers and titles and the tags on your website to ensure they are correct and accessible to the search engine and users. Web accessibility guidelines dictate how people can make their website content more accessible.

Using the correct hierarchy of headings is one of them. For example, every page should have a title (H1), followed by a logical hierarchy of H2 text, paragraph text, ordered and unordered lists, tables, and more.

This helps users navigate the information and helps the search engine algorithm understand it.

3. Link Building

Generating links to your website from authoritative websites is one of the most reliable off-page SEO strategies. Link building enables you to boost your web presence, bringing more traffic and recognition to your business.

To foster website visibility, marketers craft thought-provoking guest posts that hyperlink to their client's websites. With these strategies, the client's site can gain considerable traction quickly!

There are endless creative ways that link building could be incorporated into a law firm’s SEO strategy.

For instance, lawyers can utilize platforms such as Help a B2B Writer or HARO to establish backlinks to their firm's website on related sites by sharing their expertise. By responding to information requests from writers, the subject matter experts can earn a valuable backlink to their website or social media, boosting their online presence.

The specific benefits of link building include:

  • They give you credibility
  • Increased revenue opportunities
  • High site metrics and SEO scores
  • Increased web traffic

4. Content Marketing

Content marketing for law firms involves creating and sharing valuable, relevant, and informative content to attract and retain a specific audience, ultimately driving profitable customer action. The content can be in the form of blogs, articles, videos, infographics, e-books, webinars, and more.

It is reported that 65% of legal firms allocate most of their marketing expenditure to online platforms. Surprisingly, only 46% have a designated budget for such activities.

But here's the kicker! Companies and brands that invest in content marketing see a dramatic increase in conversion rates, with an average rate soaring to 2.9%. This differs from the mere 0.5% conversion rates from businesses not utilizing this powerful tool.

With your intelligence and astuteness, it's a no-brainer to see how content marketing can help you get more eyes on your law firm online. Setting up the proper content creation approach can drive website traffic, strengthen rankings, and attract quality leads interested in learning from an expert like yourself.

5. Technical SEO

For a law firm’s website to be successful, it needs to follow technical SEO best practices like any other website. With billions of websites on the internet, modern search engines can only dedicate so much time to reading a website’s content.

In other words, if your website is too difficult for the robots to read, not all the pages of your website will show up on search results, and you may have issues when you add new pages as well.

An SEO service for law firms will optimize different aspects of a website’s architecture to ensure that the search robots can read it quickly and accurately, including speed, mobile optimization, clean and accurate code, tags, redirects, and more.

6. SEO Strategy

Getting your law firm to the top of search results is no easy feat - it's a marathon, not a sprint! With a solid SEO strategy, you can improve your website's ranking both in the short and long term.

But, it's important not to put all your eggs in one basket - inbound marketing initiatives beyond SEO, such as digital advertising, play a crucial role in driving traffic to your website. The results, of course, are more qualified leads, more clients, and more success, something you can't object to!

7. Local SEO

Showing up at the top of search engines for local search results is critical for law firms. Local SEO initiatives include having a Google Business Profile (formerly Google My Business), establishing authentic client reviews online, and optimizing your firm's website with local keywords.

Combining these strategies helps improve local SEO for your website and may lead to more potential clients.

Benefits of Law Firm SEO Services

Benefits of law firm SEO services

Here are some benefits you can expect from law SEO services.

1. Saves Time

Lawyers usually have busy schedules, so learning and handling SEO matters for your firm's website can be challenging. Hiring a professional SEO service for law firms can come in handy and helps save time by creating SEO-optimized content for you.

An SEO consultant for attorneys can take care of all your SEO needs and free up more time for you to focus on tracking billable hours!

2. Cost-Effectiveness

If you're looking to attract clients to your website without breaking the bank, you need to start taking SEO seriously. Think of it like making a scrumptious pie - you want people to take a bite, right? Well, SEO helps you make that happen without splashing out on pricey social media and search engine ads.

By focusing on your SEO game, you can show off what you do best and bring in new clients without spending a fortune. Plus, it's a win-win situation because your website stays on top in the long term, even after those flashy digital ads disappear into thin air.

3. It Helps Increase Traffic to Your Website

SEO is a critical part of every website because it’s one of the ways you can increase your chances of being found online. While Google is the most popular and widely used search engine on the web, there are also other search engines. Therefore, you benefit from increased organic traffic when you invest in SEO for your firm's website.

Organic search results are the most ideal and sought-after positions on Google and other search engines. You will likely start getting more potential clients and calls if you have a website that ticks all the SEO requirements.

4. Your Client List Will Grow

Let's say someone is searching for a divorce lawyer in your area. If you've invested in SEO, your website will appear at the top of the search results, making it more likely that the person will click on your website and ultimately become a client.

But SEO doesn't just help with new clients. It can also help you stay top of mind with current and past clients. By sending out regular email newsletters or publishing blog posts with relevant legal information, you'll stay on their radar and be more likely to get repeat business or referrals.

So, if you want to see your client list grow, investing in SEO for your law firm is a must.

5. It Helps You Build a Solid Online Brand

The legal market is different from what it used to be in the 80s or 90s. A lot has changed, and the internet has revolutionized the market significantly.

Therefore, building a solid online brand is essential for your firm's survival. As the competition increases, simply having a "good-looking" website doesn't cut it.

Visibility on the SERPs is the key to building a notable brand. This includes having valuable and effective content, supporting that content with digital advertising, and engaging with potential clients on social media.

Considerations in Hiring Law Firm SEO Experts

Before hiring an SEO company or expert to take care of your website, there are several considerations you need to adhere to:

Interviewing Them

Take the time to interview the expert or SEO company to find out what makes them special. Find out if they will be ideal for handling your website's SEO needs.

Obtaining References

References are essential, especially when hiring someone for a service. What do other customers say about this SEO company or expert? Look for reviews describing the service level that previous customers have received. This will help you ensure you get value for your money.

Ask for a Technical Audit

After interviewing the SEO expert or company, consider asking them for a high-level technical audit of your website. Ensure the suggestions and recommendations they provide aren’t just general and specific to your website, industry, and business goals.

5 Best SEO Companies for Law Firms

After your due diligence, it's time to find the perfect SEO services for law firms. Plenty of organizations provide SEO services, but here are some of the five best options we recommend.

1. Roketto (It’s us!)

Roketto is a team of rocket scientists (okay, not really, but we’re pretty smart) specializing in digital marketing for law firms. We believe that SEO isn’t just about keywords and rankings. It’s about connecting with potential clients and helping law firms grow their businesses.

That’s why we approach every client personally, crafting custom strategies that fit their unique needs and goals. Plus, we’re pretty fun to work with (if we say so ourselves). Our team is made up of friendly, creative, and passionate individuals who are dedicated to getting results.

But what sets us apart from the rest? Aside from our undeniable charm and good looks, we have a proven track record of success. We've helped many law firms climb to the top of Google search rankings and stay there.

And we don't just stop at SEO - we offer a full range of digital marketing services, from web design to social media management, to ensure that your online presence is top-notch.

Have a look at some of our services below:



Targeted SEO strategies

We’ve worked with several law firms and helped them improve their online visibility, attract more traffic, and generate more leads. Our experienced SEO specialists are well-versed in the latest SEO techniques and trends.

Inbound Marketing

At Roketto, we have expertise in all aspects of inbound marketing, including content marketing, social media, email marketing, and PPC advertising. We can help law firms create a cohesive marketing plan that delivers results.

Customized solutions

Every law firm is different, with unique goals and challenges. At Roketto, we understand this and offer customized solutions catering to each client's needs.

Transparent reporting

We believe in being transparent with our clients and provide regular reports showing their SEO campaigns' progress. Our reports include detailed insights into website traffic, keyword rankings, and other essential metrics, giving our clients a clear picture of their campaigns' performance.

A focus on ROI

We work closely with our clients to set realistic goals and track the success of their campaigns based on concrete metrics. Our goal is to help our clients get the best possible results from their SEO campaigns and maximize their ROI.

If you're searching for an SEO company that will skyrocket your law firm's online visibility, Roketto is the perfect solution. Don't waste more time - let Roketto take care of all your needs!

2. LawLytics

Another notable SEO company for attorneys is LawLytics. LawLytics offer comprehensive services designed to help your law firm improve its visibility and rankings in search engine results pages (SERPs). Their proprietary content strategy has helped numerous attorneys rank higher in SERPs for competitive terms.

Their services also include website design, web copywriting, and content marketing campaigns that will help you reach your target audience more effectively.

Additionally, LawLytics offers on-site and off-site SEO consultation services to give you further insight into how search engines operate so that you can make the most of your online presence.



Comprehensive website audits

You get an in-depth report of the work needed to be done.

Targeted keyword research

This identifies the best keywords to target

Competitor analysis

Identifies what competitors are doing

Technical SEO optimization

Ensures your website is properly coded

Link building

It helps to boost your website rankings

3. Attorneysync

Attorneysync is an SEO company specializing in helping law firms get maximum website visibility and traffic. They understand the unique needs of such businesses and strive to deliver results that exceed expectations.

Attorneysync is committed to helping law firms grow their online presence and increase profitability by combining cutting-edge tactics, exhaustive research, and creative content creation. This SEO company understands that the legal field is highly competitive and that staying on top of your opponents can be challenging.

This is why their team of experienced digital marketing professionals developed an advanced SEO strategy tailored to law firms' specific needs–ensuring they rank high on search engine result pages to get maximum visibility and traffic.



Keyword research

You get a comprehensive list of ideal keywords

Expert website design

Custom-built website according to your needs

On-page optimization

This helps improve your search rankings

Local SEO strategies

Enables you to be easily found on local search

Content creating and marketing

High-quality content to attract traffic

4. Reach Local

Reach Local is a digital marketing company that provides law firms with search engine optimization (SEO) services. They are one of the industry's most trusted and well-established SEO companies.

With their professional team of experts, they can help your firm increase its online visibility by optimizing content for search engines and driving more traffic to your website.

Reach Local understands the legal industry and how to reach potential clients, making them an ideal choice for law firms looking to increase their online presence.

They provide various services, including keyword research, content creation, link building, and social media optimization. Their team knows the latest SEO trends and can craft custom strategies for law firms.



Digital marketing solutions

The right solutions tailored to your needs

Cutting-edge technology

You get access to high tech and resources

Comprehensive tracking and reporting tools

This helps you get all the information you need

Excellent strategies

Increases your ROI

5. Juris Digital

The main objective of Juris Digital is to deliver extraordinary online marketing and customer service that will result in a steady influx of new customers, high reputations, and marked brand growth for remarkable legal firms.

With many years of experience in the legal field, they understand precisely how to make your law firm stand out from its competitors.

Juris Digital is an industry leader in SEO services for law firms. Their expert team of SEO professionals can provide a comprehensive range of services, which include keyword research and optimization, content creation, link building, website optimization, and more.

They also offer online reputation management services to ensure that your law firm's positive reviews and ratings remain prominent on the web.



Comprehensive suite of services

They offer a full range of services

Advanced analytics tracking

You’ll get detailed analytics and tracking reports

Custom plans

Designed custom plans tailored to each client’s needs

Dedicated customer service

24/7 customer support


While learning the art of SEO yourself is possible, the time and energy required for that might only be convenient for some. This is why considering SEO services for law firms is important because they take your workload.

If you're searching for a reliable and affordable SEO company for your law firm, look no further than Roketto. Our company focuses on delivering the right results, and we will work with you every step of the way for guaranteed satisfaction.

Give us a call today and learn how we can help you gain exposure on the web and increase your chances of getting potential clients.

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Ulf Lonegren

Ulf Lonegren

Ulf is one of the co-founders here at Roketto. His passion shines brightest when tasked with increasing business growth through inbound marketing. If you want to talk strategy, give Ulf a shout and you’re likely to see him spark with excitement.